Balamb Garden


Part II of the Site made by partner Athren
Upcoming Events In SeeD
The RP Group
Parking Lot
Training Center


Welcome to your dorms. This is where you will live.

Yes that's right. SeeDs have their own dorms! Being a SeeD and a student of Balamb is very serious. You will have to eat, sleep and train here. Balamb Garden has two different types of dorms. One type is the double jointed ones where you will have to share with someone else. That type of dorm are for students still in training and have not made it into SeeD yet. The best ones are for the SeeDs. You get a whole room to yourself and it's much bigger then the jointed ones. Well the actual bedroom anyways. So train hard and become a SeeD to get your very own room.! - Headmaster

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Welcome to Balamb Garden and enjoy your visit.