Balamb Garden

Training Center

Part II of the Site made by partner Athren
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Training Center

The Training Center of Balamb

Welcome to the Training Center.

Welcome to the Training Center! Come here when you need to brush up on your skills or maybe even need time alone..... Beware of the T-Rexaurs, they can get outta control sometimes, so be on your guard when in here.
I will now explain the fighting styles we use when sparing eachother or fighting others.
T1: T1 is like a para style of fighting. You add much detail to your attacks and stuff. The better the para, the better chance you have of winning.
T2: T2 is a style of fighting in which speed is used. The faster you type, the faster you can get your attack out before your opponent blocks or counters. There are special rules to T2. You have to have a certain amout of words to attack, dodge and counter. You must have 7 or more words to attack or dodge. To counter you must have 12 or more words. One important thing you must also know. After every one of your attacks you must connect them. It takes 10 or more words to connect. Connect successfully 5 times before your opponent does and you win.

Training Center of Balamb Garden 

Welcome to Balamb Garden and enjoy your visit.